HomeHealthGet Well, Not High

Get Well, Not High




Get Well, Not High

We wanted to share a sneak peak at some exciting content coming in the January 2020 issue of alive magazine.

In this issue, the Canadian Health Food Association tells us why natural health industry experts want to make cannabidiol , a potentially helpful component for conditions such as pain, inflammation, stress, anxiety, nausea, and sleep problems, more widely available to the public by removing current regulatory restrictions.

7 things you might not know about CBD

  1. Through current regulations, cannabidiol—a non-addictive and non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis—is nevertheless regulated in the same way as cannabis.
  2. Spearheaded by the Canadian Health Food Association, advocates for cannabidiol, also known as CBD, are wanting a change to the way it’s currently regulated, as it’s a low-risk component that doesn’t fit in the current scheme and is best regulated alongside natural health products.
  3. Natural health products are considered a subset of drugs under the Food and Drugs Act and go through protocols to ensure safety and efficacy.
  4. From a consumer perspective, increased access would certainly be desirable. Let’s be honest, if people can’t find CBD through legalized means, there are other ways to get it.
  5. And it seems a little ironic that it’s easier to buy vaping products, cannabis, and cannabis edibles than it is to purchase a substance with recognizable health benefits and few known side effects.
  6. What’s more, despite the progressive stance Canada made in legalizing recreational marijuana in October 2018, the CHFA’s “Get Well, Not High” campaign points out that we’re losing out on a lucrative economic opportunity and potential for job creation.
  7. CHFA’S website notes that “market demand for CBD is expected to account for 20 percent of the entire cannabis market by 2023, and our estimates show that the CBD market in Canada could reach $1.5 to 2 billion over the next four years.”

To get involved, visit cbdisnatural.ca, where you can send an email to your MP, who may be new and may not be aware of this issue. Helen Long, president of the CHFA, also encourages people to talk directly to their local politicians. “If people really want to buy CBD in a health food store, they should be telling the government,” she said in a recent interview.

Make sure to pick up your copy of alive magazine’s January 2020 issue at your local natural health retailer for more!


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