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Clear Blemishes Naturally




Clear Blemishes Naturally

Are skin blemishes bringing you down? Learn why the natural approach to clearing blemishes is the best approach.

A majority of individuals 12 to 24 years of age suffer from acne, with some estimates as high as 90 percent. Acne also affects an older demographic, with an estimated 50 percent of adult women and 40 percent of adult men suffering from it at some point in their lives.

Healthy lifestyle

Hormonal activity, nutrition, and internal health can contribute to the formation of blemishes. A natural approach to clearing acne-prone skin starts with making healthy lifestyle adjustments such as exercising regularly, meditating, practising yoga, eating a balanced diet with plenty of water, and, of course, getting adequate sleep.

Balance skin

Because blemishes can also be the result of excessive bacterial activity, be sure to cleanse skin two to three times a day with a gentle antibacterial cleanser.

Moisturize with a product formulated to balance yet hydrate the skin. Breakouts do not occur because of excess moisture supplied to the skin through a facial moisturizer; rather they are a result of skin that is not balanced.

Follow with a spot blemish treatment. Additionally, exfoliate regularly to prevent buildup of old skin cells and stimulate new cell growth.

How herbs can help

To help clear blemishes without side effects, reduce redness, and calm and balance skin, it is essential to look for skin care products that are rich in gentle yet effective herbs.

Traditionally used for medicinal purposes, herbs such as tea tree, willow bark, rosewood, lavender, and camomile are powerful natural actives that can help promote clear, healthy skin.

Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

  • powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties to help clear blemishes
  • effective at relieving acne

Willow bark (Salix alba)

  • natural source of salicylic acid, a common ingredient in over-the-counter blemish-fighting products
  • helps remove dead skin tissue, debris, and toxins; unclogs pores; and provides a mild drying effect that can benefit those with oily skin

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

  • contains astringent and antibacterial properties to help fight problem skin conditions such as blemishes
  • helps reduce redness and irritation and calm skin

Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora)

  • may help reduce sebum production, stimulate new skin cell growth, and balance skin
  • traditionally used as both an antiseptic and an astringent

Camomile (Matricaria recutita)

  • anti-inflammatory properties help reduce dryness, redness, sensitivity, and irritation
  • soothing effect helps diminish skin discomfort


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